Kung fu Siu Lam Hung-Gar Khin

Scunthorpe Martial Arts Center

8, Ferry road, Scunthorpe, DN15 8QG
Kung fu Mobil: 07460867168


How are we

The kung fu hung gar section, has been created in 2014 by Jean-pierre Lisek, under the association of Scunthorpe Martial Arts Center . This school, includes members avid to have a practice in a friendly and respectful spirit of every individual. If the discipline is rigorous during the courses, the fundamental values of the association are the solidarity, the respect and the benevolence. The association is eager to ally the martial art, the techniques of health and lifestyle, the classes are supervised by Jean-pierre Lisek. The program is evolutionary, and adapted to the progress of the studians.

Jean-pierre Lisek instructor

3rd DAN Official Hung gar Kung fu

- Certified state instrutor in France (BEES - sport education state patented)
- certified instructor in England by MAFGB (Martial Arts Federation Of Great Britain).
- direct apprentice of Grand Master Vang ngoc ha.
